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Vanessa García G.

Born in Santafe de Bogota - Colombia, and raised in the city of Cali. Study at the School of Fine Arts in Cali Colombia and also studied at the Academy of Painting Bernardino Labrada, from very young because his father instilled a love for art at an early age.

His love for art has been a constant, so his job as professor of art at various institutions, as well as its own art and...

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Vanessa García G.

Born in Santafe de Bogota - Colombia, and raised in the city of Cali. Study at the School of Fine Arts in Cali Colombia and also studied at the Academy of Painting Bernardino Labrada, from very young because his father instilled a love for art at an early age.

His love for art has been a constant, so his job as professor of art at various institutions, as well as its own art and craft workshop where the most important thing was to discover new talent and teaching art, especially children.

His first exhibition was conducted at the age of 17 at the Museum of Modern Art in Bogota, a group show of young artists.

From there he continued to reap successes, like the Biennial of art in the museum department of Cali with three-dimensional design shows graph. (1990)

Also participated in the exhibition "Homage to Cali with very good reception (2000) in the same year participated in an exhibition called expressions of my land Coomeva sponsored by then acquired the technique is now his greatest passion! Acrylic paint on wood!

And then when he discovers trends such as Rich, vibrant colors and simple shapes on bases.

Guided by the trends of minimalist painting and simple exhibits his work in multiple rooms of exhibition in the Colombian capital ..

Since April this year he settled in London, Ontario, with her husband, Juan Manuel and his two sons John Daniel and Manuela, and continues to work to the point that in June had his first exhibition at The Arts Project "where he had great welcome and acceptance, as their works were sold before the official opening exhibition.

Present its second exhibition in the winter, where inspired by the nostalgia of his childhood, and the magic of cats, whose characters give life to recreate and windows and roofs of their artistic works.

"Colorful Cat" paint work this year pending the results of the international art competition in Venice Lagoon, Italy.

I think my work is based on the memories and the beauty of the ancient streets of my cats! ... they evoke the game! A child! Give it a magical and romantic touch to my work.

The language has not been nor will be a barrier for me! Then I believe art is a universal language that can be appreciated by all, regardless of nationality and language. and I thank God for giving me this wonderful gift because through the painting I managed to express and make known my deepest feelings.

Currently preparing for its third exhibition Spring!

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